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People Over Profits

We carefully choose each supplier to ensure ethical production, outstanding ingredient quality and the empowerment of native African communities. 

Together our suppliers have created more than 6,200 sustainable jobs, maintain and protect more than 34,000 acres of EcoCert wild harvest habitat, and have planted more than two million trees on countless additional acres of land.

A Wide Reach

Our suppliers span the African continent, from Egypt in the north to Mauritania, Burkina Faso and Ghana in the west, Uganda and South Sudan in the east and Botswana in the south. 

Women's Collectives

Much of the raw, cold processed oil we use comes from women’s collectives in different parts of the African continent. On much of the African continent, jobs for women are notoriously hard to find and opportunities rare. Proceeds from the harvest, processing and production of these raw ingredients help native women earn critical income to send their children to school, provide food and shelter for their families, and reinvigorate their communities.

Farmer's Collectives

Through the True Moringa network, our suppliers provide a dedicated agricultural extension officer, training, organic seeds and fertilizer, and financing as needed to enable over 5000 small farmers throughout Ghana to kickstart their moringa farms. Most importantly, they provide a guaranteed market for the leaves and seeds they produce. The moringa seeds and leaves are processed in-country, adding value and creating jobs locally. Regular analyses of their oil ensures each batch is of the highest possible quality. 


In many parts of Africa education is not subsidized by the government. Our suppliers provide more than 120 scholarships each year through programs to enrich local communities and give native African children increased opportunities, broadening their educational and professional horizons. 


According to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), indigenous (also known as “old-growth”) forests in Africa are being cut down at a rate of more than 9.5 million acres per year — twice the world's deforestation average. Our suppliers defend their trees from logging companies and also run grow operations to expand their ability to produce raw ingredients, further bolstering the health of local forests and trees. This in turn supports Africa's incredible biodiversity, providing a wide array of native species with livable habitat. 

More ways you can help.

Click the button below to be taken to, one of our favorite charities and widely regarded as one of the most effective ways to give directly to those in need. 

Search for Africa in the search bar and also check out their Universal Basic Income program to fight poverty.